Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Baby Luke will be here tomorrow!

I have mixed feelings. For one I am SO excited my little boy will be here tomorrow but I am a little upset that we are being induced. I wanted him to pick his own day and I know April didn't want to be induced ever but it really is the best choice for Luke and her. She has developed toxemia and is pretty swollen and her blood pressure is a little high, it isn't too bad yet but the doctor wanted to induce before it got that way. I am so scared that we will end up with a c-section. I don't think I would ever get over the guilt from that because April is scared to death of having one (who can blame her) and I would feel horrible if she had to have one with my baby when she did not with her two. I already feel bad that she has to be induced with mine, that has never happened to her before.

Please everyone, send lots of easy labor vibes our way and hope that Luke cooperates and comes soon after the induction is started!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I think Luke's Daddy's prediction was off the mark...

My husband has been swearing for weeks that Luke would be born Monday, January 19th....Luke looks to be proving him wrong. No real good contractions last I checked in with April so it's not looking like today is the day. Come on little boy! Mama is so ready for you to be here. I have not accomplished much at all today. I had the day off work for MLK day, but I took the time to just lounge in my pj's and watch junk daytime TV. I'm really hoping that the next time I am home from work for the day it is because little baby Luke has been born and we are bringing him home from the hospital. I can't wait for those 12 weeks I get to spend at home with him before I have to go back to work.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Still waiting on baby boy...

I am beginning to think he will make us wait until his due date (1/31/09) afterall. We ended up going back to L&D Friday night. Lots and lots of painful, consistent contractions but they started to fizzle out almost as soon as we got there. Baby Luke definately has his Daddy's personality and is a little trickster. April and I went shopping at Old Navy today, I got several things for Luke for next winter at 50% off their clearance price. DIRT cheap! I love a good deal!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Back at work this morning...

I think he may have decided to stay in forever. Ok, maybe just a few more weeks but it's going to feel like forever. I am back at work, I figured April really didn't need me staring at her all day. I am sure I will get little to nothing done as I will be waiting (hoping) for a phone call.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Went to L&D last night...

We went to the hospital with contractions every 5 minutes last night!....And came home at about 2am :( The nurse said it was just 'pre-labor'. Poor April, I feel like she's been in labor for 5 days. She is at 2cm dilated and 60% effaced though so progress has been made! They gave her an ambien when they sent her home so that she could get some good sleep. The nurse did predict that he would be here within 48 hours so everyone cross your fingers that is the case! I took today off work, partly because of not getting in until so late last night and partly because I felt nervous being too far from April today. We are going to go walk him around, eat a big lunch, try to encourage him to come on out because it's not so comfy in there anymore, haha!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What is our dream?

Our dream, one of the first things we discussed in the emails we traded before we met, was to have a family someday. As our love grew and we came to realize that we wanted that family together that dream seemed to become more and more real. The dream has been tested and strained and stepped on many times over the last 3 years. When we discovered my premature ovarian failure shortly after getting married in 2006, when we lost the triplets that we conceived with our first IVF attempt due to my immune issues, when our second and third IVF attempts failed, when we went month after month facing BFNs after moving over to surrogacy, and the chemicals that we experienced with our first two BFPs thru surrogacy. After each and every one of these trials we wondered if it was not to be, if we were meant to only be a couple and not a family. We refused to believe it though, we knew that there was a child that was meant to be ours and we had to stick it out so that we could find our way to each other. God is good and our little boy is due to arrive very soon! He is being carried by his wonderful Aunt April, without whom I am not sure if we would have been able to realize our dream to have a family. Her offer to carry a piece of my heart under hers and offer him a safe place to grow until he was ready to join Mama and Daddy out in the world was the point at which our dream started to actually come to life. I still can't believe that any day now (literally, given the number and frequency of contractions!) we will have our little boy and we will finally be a family.
